31 maart 2017

Hidden work space

If you live in a small space you must be creative on so many levels. Along the way, you will learn what works and what doesn't.
This blogpost is about our "hidden" work space.

In our small little living room we entertain, watch movies, dine with the family, create and we work, actually a lot these couple of days. So I find it’s very important to keep it light and moveable. 
Tip: "Don't forget to choose furniture that you can use in 10 different ways, which is very important in a small space." 

This is a little DIY desk my boyfriend built when we purchased an iMac. We wanted to have a little work space but we didn't want a desk that used up all the space. So in our living room we have a little dead corner that we use to storage all our books, DVDs and CDs.  
So we have transformed that little dead corner to a little hidden work space.

What I like the most about this work space is that when people come over I just can close the curtains and the work space is not there in your face. And the room gives you a different kind of feeling by only closing the curtains.

ps: 'who spotted me on one of the pictures?' 

Enjoy the weekend guys ;) 

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